Tuesday, October 1, 2024

Practical Advice for Beginning Fantasy Writers - Guest Blog by Kit Karlsson

Practical Advice for Beginning Fantasy Writers

So, you’ve decided to write fantasy? You have my congratulations—and my condolences. Fantasy isn’t like other genres. When you write fantasy, you're not only managing plot and character development but also playing god—crafting your book’s setting, magic systems, governments, trade systems, and more.

Here are four tips to avoid feeling overwhelmed as a new fantasy writer:

1) Find Your People
Connect with other fantasy writers—both beginners and more experienced ones—who can provide feedback that is helpful and encouraging. There’s almost always a way to give constructive criticism without being harsh, and overly harsh criticism is rarely productive. Don’t ask for feedback from those who discourage you. Discord servers are a great way to connect with a community of writers who will support you on your journey.

When I first started, I found a Discord server through Reddit and made some of my closest writing friends there. Over the years, I’ve joined and left many servers in search of “my people.” I found I learned the most from other fantasy and science fiction writers. Writers of realistic or literary fiction often didn’t “get” my fantasy writing, and that’s okay—they just weren’t my people.

2) Participate in Writing Events
Events like NaNoWriMo are great for jump-starting your writing. NaNoWriMo groups and communities are usually very supportive. The downside is that many participants only write during NaNoWriMo and then stop for the rest of the year, so the community can dwindle after November. That’s a perfect time to explore other writing groups, whether local and in-person or online.

3) Don’t Go Overboard with Worldbuilding
I can’t tell you how many fantasy writers spend years worldbuilding, exhaust themselves, and never actually write their book. Don’t spend all your energy on worldbuilding. Get the basics down, then dive into the story and see how things unfold. This is especially important for your first book—you’ll likely need to adjust your worldbuilding as you write due to practical concerns or to improve character backstories.

Spending hundreds of hours on worldbuilding might make you an excellent Dungeon Master, but it’s not as helpful when it comes to finishing books.

4) Embrace the Suck and Adopt a Growth Mindset
Your first book probably won’t be the next Lord of the Rings. That’s okay! The first time anyone does anything, it’s usually not great. I have an entire trilogy I’ve shelved until I can figure out how to rewrite it. Think of how many times you fell off your bike while learning to ride, or how many ear-piercing squeals you made during your earliest violin lessons. Writing is no different.

My book Wanderer of the Wastes, coming out on October 29th, was the fourth book I wrote. It was my first book that was anywhere near publishing material, and I had to rewrite it several times before it was accepted by Lake Country Press. I am happy with the way Wanderer turned out, and it is interesting to compare my writing in it to the writing in my first (unpublished) book, The Beast of Alon, as well as my newer writing to see how much has changed! 

Wanderer of the Wastes
Kit Karlsson

Genre: Fantasy Romance
Publisher: Lake Country Press
Date of Publication: October 29, 2024
Number of pages: roughly 300
Word Count: 97,700
Cover Artist: Fay Lane

Tagline: In a world where magic can save or shatter, Kol Mendona must survive lethal secrets—and an even deadlier love—as he discovers he might not be as human as he believed…

Book Description:

Kol Mendona, one of the last humans on the magical continent of Alon, is desperate to escape his dying underground compound. When Alessi, a fierce dragon slayer with silver eyes, arrives, Kol sees a way out.  As they journey together through the deadly wastes, an unexpected bond forms between them – one fueled by passion and dangerous magic. 
But as Kol’s strange new powers awaken, their bond becomes increasingly unstable. Something within him is changing in ways he doesn’t fully understand, and if Alessi ever discovers the truth, Kol may lose more than her affections…

Excerpt 1:

“If you take me with you, I’ll do anything,” he said. To buy Astor some time. To get out of there.

She opened the door and pushed him out, preparing to close it again, but he put his foot in it.

“Anything?” she asked.


“That’s a dangerous word when there are fates worse than death.” She tilted her head again to the side, an amused look on her face. “You’re a strange man, Kol.” She slammed the door, and he was alone in the darkness.

About the Author:
Kit enjoyed writing as a child and rediscovered her passion during the COVID-19 lockdown. She has a degree in finance from Southern Methodist University and recently graduated from Georgetown University Law Center, where she was the administrative editor of an academic publication. When she’s not writing, you can find her running barefoot, taming stray cats, or listening to paranormal podcasts.

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