Tuesday, October 15, 2024

The Nephilim’s Fate by Eliza Hampstead

The Nephilim’s Fate
War of the Nephilim Series
Eliza Hampstead

Genre: Fantasy Romance
Date of Publication: 16. August 2022
ISBN: 979-8837459108
Number of pages: 307
Word Count: 87K
Cover Artist: Rio B Nugroho

Tagline: She will find a way, even if it leads to a war between Heaven and Hell.

Book Description:

In the heart of London, Alissia's ordinary life takes a thrilling turn when she is attacked by bloodthirsty vampires. When Nate, the man she dreamed about for years, swoops in to save her, her reality shatters as she discovers a shocking truth: she's a witch, and he's a Nephilim. But their love is cursed, forbidden by ancient laws that threaten to tear their world apart.

As old rivalries resurface and dark secrets come to light, Alissia and Nate must confront their deepest fears and fight for their love, even if it means igniting a war between Heaven and Hell.

With unforgettable characters, steamy romance, and gripping plot twists, this captivating new fantasy series by award-winning author Eliza Hampstead delves into a world of angels and demons, forbidden love, and the inexorable power of fate.

Excerpt 2 Learning about her mother:

My heart stopped for a moment before resuming its work at double speed. I gulped. Now was the time for the truth. Seraphina stood up and walked to her desk; when she turned back, she held a photo in her hand. My heart was beating frantically as Seraphina held out the picture. I nearly didn’t take it. I suddenly wanted to live in ignorance, yet my body reacted before I could decide and took the photo. I looked at a woman who resembled me a great deal. She also had dark hair and green eyes, her nose was a bit longer than mine, and her lips were thinner. However, it was clear that she was my kin.

“Her name was Keira Shepard. Your father is still unknown; the coven thinks he was a human and unimportant to her. She never told anybody about him.”

Keira Shepard. A beautiful name that fitted her. I wanted to know everything about her, right now. “What do you know of her? Is her family an old witch family? Did she leave anything behind?”

“She was from an old family. To our knowledge, it had died with her until now. Her belongings went to the coven after her mother—your grandmother—died ten years ago. Her file states she could glimpse into the future. She was much into the second sight. If you want to, I can ask for the whole file, including the documentation about her going missing.”

“That would be splendid. Thank you.” I tried to say more, but my thoughts were spinning. I had the name and face of my birth mother and a thousand questions

About the Author:

Award winning author Eliza Hampstead, a scientist by training, lives with her family in the UK. When she's not writing, she spends her time as a geek. Playing all sorts of games (board games, video games, RPGs) and being a big fan of medieval history are only a few of the many hobbies she has. Passionate about fantasy, she's always planning her next adventure.
Sign up for Eliza’s newsletter to get exclusive updates on new releases, behind-the-scenes author news, and exciting extras like character interviews, maps, playlists, and bonus chapters that bring the books even more to life!

Monday, October 7, 2024

Kiss of Blood and Sin by M Guida - Haunted Halloween Spooktacular

In the shadows of night, where secrets lie, A vampire's tale unfolds under the sky. Dimitri Dragan, with a heart of stone, In a world of darkness, he walks alone.

A past so haunted, with echoes of pain, Women were fleeting, their memories wane. But then she appeared, like a beacon of light, Gianna Santi, a princess in the night.

Her beauty unmatched, her spirit so strong, Yet fate dealt her a hand so wrong. 

Attacked by wolves, left scarred and frail, In Dimitri’s heart, a protective gale.

He vows revenge with a fire so fierce, To hunt the wolves, their hearts to pierce.

 Her pain is his, her scars he bears, In his dark world, she’s the love he dares.

Her brother, the king, a ruler of might, In the vampire mafia’s eternal night. 

Dimitri, forced to steal and betray, A pawn in the game, a price he must pay.

But for Gianna, he'd face any strife, To guard her, to shield her, he'd give his life. 

He walks a line of shadow and blood, In a world of chaos, love begins to bud.

Her eyes, a mirror of sorrow and grace, In her presence, he finds his place. A love so forbidden, yet burning bright, Two hearts entwined in the depth of night.

In the French Quarter, where legends are born, Their love story is both blessed and torn. The wolves, they whisper, in the dark of the moon, But Dimitri's vengeance will strike them soon.

For Gianna, he'd embrace his darkest side, In his arms, she’ll never need to hide.

The Angel of Death, her protector, her knight, In the heart of darkness, he finds his light.

Dimitri Dragan, with a soul so cold, For her, a new story begins to unfold. No longer the monster, alone and grim, In Gianna's love, his salvation lies within.

Through blood and betrayal, they’ll carve their path, In the mafia’s world, they’ll face the wrath. But love like theirs, it knows no bounds, In the silent night, their heartbeat sounds.

In the labyrinth of power, deceit, and might, Their love shines as a beacon of light. 

Dimitri, the protector, with vengeance in his eyes, Gianna, his queen, where his loyalty lies.

Together they stand, against the tide, In a world of shadows, where darkness hides. Their love, a force, both wild and free, In the vampire’s realm, their destiny.

So in New Orleans, where the nights are long, Their hearts beat together, fierce and strong. Dimitri and Gianna, a love so rare, In a world of darkness, they find their share.

For love can blossom, even in the night, And in each other, they find their light. Through trials and pain, their bond will grow, In the vampire’s world, their love will show.

Kiss of Blood and Sin
M Guida

Genre: Dark Paranormal Romance

Publisher: Buffalo Mountain Press 
Date of Publication: September 25, 2024
Number of pages: 300
Word Count: 80,776
Cover Artist: Jacqueline Sweet

Book Description: 

I never wanted to be a mafia princess. But I wasn't given that choice when my brother turned me. 

Now he's the mafia king and his enemies want me dead. His magical mirrors shows my impending murder without revealing the assassin. It could be anyone, and I trust no one. Until I meet Dimitri Dragan. 

My brother would never agree for me to claim a born vampire with a sketchy past. But I'll fight to make him mine. I didn't have a choice in becoming a vampire, but I have a choice in who I love.

About the Author:

M Guida has always loved fantasy and romance, especially dragons. Growing up, she devoured fantasy books and all kinds of young adult books. And then she found romance and a whole new world opened up to her.

Now as an adult, she fell in love with academy romance and has blended all of her past loves into one compelling series. Dragons, vampires, elves, demons, and wolves all live in her world.

When she's not writing, she lives in the colorful Rocky Mountains with her fur baby, Raven, and enjoys taking her for walks.

Would you like to become a Legacy? Sign up for her mailing list and enter a world of the supernatural at her website https://authormguida.com/

You can also join her private Facebook page–M Guida's Legacy Academy. You'll become a Legacy and find out about your special power and maybe even find some romance!

Website: https://authormguida.com/about/

Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/mguida/

Tiktok: https://www.tiktok.com/@mguidaauthor

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/MLGuidaauthor

Bookbub: https://www.bookbub.com/authors/m-guida

Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/author/show/20378775.M_Guida

Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/stores/author/B08BW74WCM/about

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Saturday, October 5, 2024

Release Day Blitz - Six Degrees of Separation by Amanda Mackey

Six Degrees of Separation
Amanda Mackey

Genre: Romance
Publisher: Amanda Mackey
Date of Publication: 5th October, 2024
Number of pages: 223
Word Count: 62,855

Tagline: What if the distance between you and your soulmate was 6 people?

Book Description: 

What do you do when you find yourself in a midlife crisis at forty after leaving an abusive marriage?

You buy a cheap villa in Italy and leave everything you knew behind to live in a remote town, perched on top of a hill, with nothing but a suitcase full of clothing.

Oh, and did I mention the only Italian word I know is ciao?

I question my sanity as I sit at forty thousand feet, seven hours into the flight.

But as soon as I reach my destination, I realize I've made the right decision.

My villa is everything I hoped for, apart from needing some TLC, but with my divorce money, I plan on turning it into a home. My home. My sanctuary.

When I find a cabinet in the garage left by the previous elderly owner, with a letter inside, I get my real estate agent and only acquaintance to translate it for me.

What she reveals is insane to say the least.

The letter is from a woman in search of her soulmate who had heard about a theory called Six Degrees of Separation. A crazy notion that everyone on the planet is connected by six people.

Method: Send out six letters to people you know who when forward them to six people they know. Continue the process six times and it'll reach your intended person.

By some miracle, the woman managed to meet the great love of her life and live happily ever after.

So, when my agent and budding friend talks me into testing the theory, I'm not expecting anything to happen. It can't be that easy, right? Plus, I don't know six people in Italy.
But she does.

And so, we send out the letters, partly as a joke and partly to see if it actually works.

But in the meantime, fate intervenes.

It's in the form of a younger man who steals my breath. A man I never saw coming.

It would seem we're not connected by six people, but two.

What then happens to the handsome stranger who replies to my letter?

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A very handsome waiter approaches us, all masculine energy and charm. With his arrival comes stronger pinpricks under my skin. It’s akin to getting zapped in winter from static. But as I glance around the restaurant, everyone else is carrying on as normal so I sit and try to act normal as I look up at the sexy as sin man. I’d peg him as thirty perhaps. Ebony, silky hair, styled back off his face. Deep eyes, Roman nose and full lips. What is it with Italian men? Are they all attractive at this age?

My eyes fully appraise him as my pulse jackhammers. My neck feels flushed, causing beads of sweat to form. God, can he see my reaction? I’m mesmerized like a hormonal teen, riveted to the spot.

His full smile adds to his beauty and for a moment even Bianca remains mute as he greets us. There’s a presence about him I can’t define. It’s that certain something that ‘just is’. The X Factor. Energy is pouring off him and I’m in the line of fire. Can someone please bring me a cold glass of water? Or an industrial fan?

She quickly recovers though and offers a ‘ciao’ which I robotically mimic, enthralled by his rugged beauty up close. The flickering light of the candle on our table, catches his high cheek bones and full mouth, stealing my attention for way too long. His short-sleeved black shirt fails to cover a tattoo which disappears up his forearm.

“Do you speak English?” Bianca asks for my benefit, a little too loudly might I add. When I peek at her, she’s wearing a knowing expression, right eyebrow raised, lips tipped up. Her foot taps mine under the table. When did she begin staring at me like that? Probably when I answered him like Siri.

“Of course. I’m fluent. I’ve been learning it since high school. Would you like a drink first?” That voice. Every syllable and word hit me front and center. The tone sounds like a deep lullaby I could be rocked to sleep with. Sheesh. What is happening with me tonight? Am I hormonal? My menstrual cycle is on point, my period not due for another two weeks so it can’t be that. If this heat doesn’t settle down, I’ll need to step into the bathroom to splash cold water on my face. I’m pretty sure the restaurant is air-conditioned too.

I look back to the waiter who is blatantly ignoring Bianca and watching me with his shockingly beautiful eyes. Eyes one could stare into if they wished to find all the answers of the universe. Eyes which see right through you and invoke a sense of belonging. As if you’ve seen them before. Familiar. Comforting. Ones I want to dive into and never leave.

They’re turning me into a hot mess. I need to get my act together. I’m acting so out of character. Like a schoolgirl, not a forty-year-old divorcee. My hands fidget on my lap as I glance around the room. It’s not big. A cozy, intimate space with guests lined up outside the door like we were moments ago. I count the tables. Fifteen. That’s all. I’m guessing they need to expand soon. Either that, or they want to keep it the way it is.

My eyes are drawn back to Mr. Handsome as he flicks his attention from Bianca and back to me again. It truly is getting too unbearably hot in here.

“Two glasses of your best wine. And would it be possible to have a garlic bruschetta?”

“Sure. Let me get that for you.” Finally he turns and saunters back to the kitchen, leaving me with heated cheeks and a flutter in my belly. But as soon as he’s gone, the temperature cools back down to normal. That’s strange. Is he running a fever? Does his body temperature run abnormally high all the time?

“Maybe he’s the one,” Bianca laughs. “He was checking you out.”

“And clearly younger than me. He was probably just being friendly to the tourist.”

But I doubt my own words. Men don’t make prolonged eye contact if they aren’t interested. Pity we’re leaving the day after tomorrow. I’d probably come back just to see his face again. A girl can dream. But how can he possibly be the one? Not the first hot Italian guy to speak to me. It couldn’t be that easy.

About the Author:

Amanda Mackey was born in NZ and moved to Australia as a child with her family. She’s been living in sunny Queensland ever since. An avid reader as a child, writing became an extension of that. She wrote her first book in her twenties, but it would take a further sixteen years to get her book published. That first book was the catalyst for her writing career, and she now has penned book number twenty. 

Amanda is both traditionally, and self-published and writes in multiple genres. She hopes to make writing her full time career. 

Next year Amanda and the cover model on Six Degrees of Separation, Alejandro Salomone who plays Nico in the book, are travelling to Italy, where the book is set, to film some of the scenes so stay tuned for that!

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Friday, October 4, 2024

Black Hills Wolves by Celia Breslin - Haunted Halloween Spooktacular

Beware the Night Hag By Celia Breslin

My childhood was filled with my Irish grandmother’s stories of the “Wee Folk”, as she called them. Some of her tales were whimsical and fun, while others sent chills down my spine. One of my favorites is her personal encounter with the Banshee, who she heard wailing when her own grandmother passed away. She also told me stories about the Old Hag, a malevolent, nightmare spirit…

Also known as the Night Hag, this wicked fairy visits you while you sleep, sits on your chest, and makes you have nightmares. She then feeds on the negative energy created by your heightened emotional state. Locked into sleep paralysis, you experience horror, fear, anxiety, and panic, aka her favorite food. Her appearance is as frightening as her vampiric power. My grandmother described her as a wrinkled, knobby old woman in a tattered, hooded cloak, with skin like charcoal, and burning red eyes.

My grandmother’s tales of the fairy folk have inspired me to write my own stories of the Fae, including one about the Night Hag. In my dark fairy tale, titled “The Night Hag,” the wicked fairy uses a glamour to hide her true appearance while she stalks her victim…

(excerpt, “The Night Hag”)

“... Fog poured inside like creeping vines, and with it came a slender woman.

Her willowy frame melted and solidified as she stalked toward the bed, her moon-white dress dancing around slender limbs. Waist-length platinum hair snaked around her head, tendrils reaching forward as if tasting the air, as if seeking out Morgan. Glittering red eyes set in a pale gamine face focused on her. The woman reminded Morgan of an evil Audrey Hepburn, the actress in all those classic old films she used to watch ages ago with her long-deceased and sorely missed Nana Shannon.

Evil Audrey hovered at the foot of the bed by Morgan’s feet, canting her head as if listening to Morgan’s thoughts. A wicked grin flashed and disappeared on the entity’s haunting, beautiful face. “Evil Audrey.” 

Crap, the scary-as-snakes ghost thing could definitely read minds. The tightness in Morgan’s throat increased, and she struggled to catch a full breath. Fight-or-flight flooded her system, yet she remained paralyzed, which was bad, bad, bad, what with a spook in the room and the fact a panic-induced asthma attack was on the way ...”

Happy Halloween!

Diamond Moon
Black Hills Wolves 
Celia Breslin

Genre: Paranormal Romance
Publisher: Decadent Publishing
Date of Publication:  March 27, 2015
ISBN: 978-1-61333-803-2
Number of pages: 85
Word Count: 29,737
Cover Artist: Fiona Jayde

Book Description:

Human-wolf hybrid Darci Diamond spends every full moon locked in auntie’s basement in Southern Oregon. Her excruciating shifts terrify her, the last one causing her heart to stop beating. Seeking a cure, she journeys to Los Lobos. 

Ross Luparell returns to the struggling Tao pack, using his millions made in the tech industry to build homes for pack families in need. He never imagined he would also find his one true mate. But when a hybrid with the biggest green eyes he’s ever seen lands on his doorstep in the middle of a wicked summer storm, there’s no denying it. She’s the one.

She wants a normal human life, free from pain-filled shifts. He won’t give up on her Wolf, and will do whatever it takes to help her accept her true nature. But can he convince her to trust him with her heart?

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Read an Excerpt: https://wp.me/p2fl3L-1VX

Under a Mating Moon
Black Hills Wolves 
Celia Breslin

Genre: Paranormal Romance
Publisher: Decadent Publishing
Date of Publication: September 18, 2015
ISBN: 9781613338940
Number of pages: 114
Word Count: 32,200
Cover Artist: Fiona Jayde

Book Description:

British Alpha wolf Jake Marsden spends his days among humans, pursuing a lucrative music career and avoiding his pack’s politics. When his current DJ tour takes him to the US, he stops in Los Lobos to visit family, and runs into the one Wolf he never wants to see again—the mate who rejected his claim.

While visiting her brother in Los Lobos, free-spirited Lexi Luparell is shocked to encounter the Wolf she’d denied when they were teens. Now she must face her guilt for the cruel way she spurned him all those years ago, make amends, and admit the truth. Jake was right all along—they’re meant to mate.

Lexi would love to explore the mate concept and her overwhelming attraction to virile, alpha Wolf Jake, but he wants nothing to do with her. How can she break down his defenses when she’s the reason he built them in the first place?

Jake dates only human women now. Lexi had her shot at being his mate, and she threw it away. But when her life is threatened, he may have to rethink his position and do whatever it takes to claim his one true mate.

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Read an Excerpt: https://wp.me/p2fl3L-1VX

Jasmine Moon
Black Hills Wolves 
Celia Breslin

Genre:  Paranormal Romance
Publisher:  Decadent Publishing
Date of Publication: June 3, 2016
ISBN:  9781683610458
Number of pages:  108
Word Count:  36,400
Cover Artist:  Fiona Jayde

Book Description:

Tech mogul and workaholic Wolf Evan Luparell has little time for distractions but takes a break for his brother’s wedding in South Dakota. When asked to escort another wedding attendee from the airport to Los Lobos, he agrees. Then he meets the curvy spitfire, and she ignores him.

Designer and Wolf Mina Carver didn’t mean to be rude to the handsome, glowering man claiming to be her ride, but she was busy working. Now she must endure a ride to the Black Hills with the cranky but sexy Dominant Wolf. Unexpected mating energy sparks between them, but still—should she dismiss, or kiss him?

Kisses win and they agree upon a no-strings fling. But with each wedding activity throwing them together, and their powerful chemistry and mate compatibility complicating matters, can two workaholics truly have their fun then walk away?

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Read an Excerpt: https://wp.me/p2fl3L-1VX

About the Author:

Celia Breslin lives in California with her husband, daughter, and three feisty cats. She writes urban fantasy, paranormal and sci-fi romance, and has a particular fondness for werewolves, vampires, the Fae, and cyborgs. When not writing, you’ll find Celia exercising, reading a good book, hanging with her family, or indulging her addiction to fantasy TV shows and movies.

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Wednesday, October 2, 2024

Chains of Blood and Darkness by M Guida - Haunted Halloween Spooktacular

In the heart of New Orleans, where shadows dance, There lies a tale of forbidden romance. Under the moon's watchful, silver gleam, In the city's dark underbelly, two souls dream.

Angelo Santi, the Angel of Death, With a whisper of danger in every breath. His eyes, dark as midnight, cold as the grave, Yet a flicker of light for the one he’d enslave.

The vampire king with power so grand, Bought her life with a cruel command. 

She, a pawn in his eternal game, A fragile flower in a world of shame.

Bound in chains of blood and fate, She dreams of freedom, it’s almost too late. Her heart, a captive, her soul, a prize, In the labyrinth of his darkened eyes.

New Orleans, where the night is alive, With secrets hidden, and desires that thrive. The French Quarter hums with a haunting song, A melody of love, where they both belong.

The human family, fragile and frail, Navigate a world where their truths pale. In the shadows lurk the wolf mafia's might, Fierce and wild, they prowl the night.

The Unseelie, with their dark, fey lore, Guard secrets that none can ignore. 

Mystical, ancient, and perilously fair, Their power whispers in the night air.

In this city of enchantment, under the night’s veil, Their love story begins, bittersweet and frail. He bought her, owns her, but in his cold heart, She sparks a warmth, a long-lost part.

Angelo Santi, with a soul so torn, In his arms, her new life is born. She stirs the depths of his dark despair, With whispers of love, she answers his prayer.

Through blood and shadows, they find a way, To chase the night and embrace the day. For in her eyes, he sees the dawn, A chance for redemption, a new life to be drawn.

In the maze of mafia's power and pride, Their love becomes a beacon, a secret guide. Angelo Santi, the Angel of Death, Finds solace in her, finds his breath.

In the city's heartbeat, their love unfolds, A story of darkness, beautifully told. For even in shadows, love finds its light, A tale of passion, in the heart of night.

In New Orleans, where legends grow, A love so fierce begins to show. Through trials and terrors, they rise above, In the vampire's world, they find true love.

Chains of Blood and Darkness
French Quarter Vampire King
M Guida

Genre: Dark Paranormal Romance
Publisher: Buffalo Mountain Press 
Date of Publication: October 23, 2024
ISBN: 9798333325686
Number of pages: 340
Word Count: 82792
Cover Artist: Jackie

Tagline: Kidnapped from my college campus as just as I’ve tasted freedom, then sold to the Angel of Death—Angelo Santi, the vampire mafia King.

Book Description:

I’m now a captive in a world I never knew existed, caught in a tangled web of ancient feuds and dangerous desires.

He claims that I have the power to save his people by reigniting a dying magical stone.

He’s delusional. I have no powers, but if I try to escape, he’ll start by killing my best friend and move to everyone I’ve ever loved.

As if that is not bad enough, the bodies of murdered women who look just like me keep turning up in the French Quarter.

Someone is framing him. That same person is hunting me.

Angelo’s the only man that I’ve ever trusted to protect me, but he’s a temptation that could lead to my ruin.

While his heart may be cold as his ice, the seductive vampire king sets my soul on fire. In this twisted game of blood and darkness, nothing is as it seems…except the intensity of our passion.

About the Author:

M Guida has always loved fantasy and romance, especially dragons. Growing up, she devoured fantasy books and all kinds of young adult books. And then she found romance and a whole new world opened up to her.

Now as an adult, she fell in love with academy romance and has blended all of her past loves into one compelling series. Dragons, vampires, elves, demons, and wolves all live in her world.

When she's not writing, she lives in the colorful Rocky Mountains with her fur baby, Raven, and enjoys taking her for walks.

Would you like to become a Legacy? Sign up for her mailing list and enter a world of the supernatural at her website https://authormguida.com/

You can also join her private Facebook page–M Guida's Legacy Academy. You'll become a Legacy and find out about your special power and maybe even find some romance!

Website: https://authormguida.com/about/

Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/mguida/

Tiktok: https://www.tiktok.com/@mguidaauthor

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/MLGuidaauthor

Bookbub: https://www.bookbub.com/authors/m-guida

Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/author/show/20378775.M_Guida

Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/stores/author/B08BW74WCM/about

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Tuesday, October 1, 2024

Immortal Wounds by Angie Barton - Haunted Halloween Spooktacular


I LOVE baking, especially around the holidays! 

Every October I make these amazing double chocolate  chip cookies and it’s easy to say that they are a hit  with both children and adults! They are soft and chewy  with just the right amount of chocolate, but it’s the candy eyeballs that are the star of the show!

• ½ cup unsalted butter, room temperature
• ½ cup granulated sugar
• ½ cup dark brown sugar, packed
• optional: black food coloring
• 1 large egg
• 1 teaspoon vanilla extract
• 1 cup all-purpose flour
• ½ cup + 2 Tbsp. Hershey’s Special Dark Cocoa Powder
• 1 teaspoon baking soda
• ¼ teaspoon salt
• 2 Tbsp. milk
• 1 1/2 cups chocolate chips (I use semi-sweet)
• Candy Eyeballs for topping the cookies


1. Preheat oven to 350˚ F. Line baking sheets with parchment paper. Using an electric mixer, combine the butter and sugars. You can add black food coloring at this time to get a deeper shade of black in the cookies. Beat together on medium-high speed until light and fluffy, 2-3 minutes. Blend in the egg and vanilla, scrape down the bowl if needed.

2. In a separate bowl, whisk together the flour, cocoa powder, baking soda, and salt. Slowly add the dry ingredients into the wet ingredients in the mixer on low speed just until mixed. Mix in the milk on the lowest speed and fold in the chocolate chips.

3. Roll about 2 tablespoons of dough into balls and place on the baking sheets. Flatten slightly. Top cookies with candy eyeballs. 

Place cookie sheet in freezer for 10-15 minutes.

4. Bake for 10-11 minutes. Let cool on the baking sheets for about 5 minutes, then transfer to a wire rack to cool completely. ENJOY!

Immortal Wounds
Immortal Wounds Series
Book One
Angie Barton

Genre: Fantasy/Historical Fiction/Magical Realism
Publisher: Angie Barton 
Date of Publication: April 22, 2022
ISBN: 979-8990647206
Number of pages: 392
Word Count: 93,000
Cover Artist: Donnell McKenzie

Tagline: Did Isobel make an error in landing in the wrong time, or was it part of her destiny?

Book Description: 

After witnessing the brutal deaths of her mother and husband, Isobel overhears a confession from one of the murderers, a ruthless vampire who claims to be her father. For fear that she and her unborn daughter’s death could come next, Isobel uses the only magic she possesses and summons a portal to take her two hundred years in the past to revisit an ancestor in Scotland who she believes may know the truth of her parentage. However, in her haste, Isobel lands in the wrong century. Before she realizes her mistake, she stumbles upon a family: a ferocious Highland warrior and his two sisters.

Isobel could not have prepared herself for what she discovers during her stay: the vampire who claimed to be her father, alive three hundred years in the past! With the help of Meg, the youngest sister, and Mariam, both women’s ancestor, Isobel finds herself belonging in a world she never dreamed of—one entangled with vampires and webbed with revenge, curses, and a prophecy that has dictated all of their lives for the last four hundred years. 

Did Isobel make an error landing in the wrong time, or was it part of her destiny?

About the Author: 

Award winning author, Angie Barton, published her first novel, Immortal Wounds, in 2022. Angie’s love for writing centers around the fantasy genre, but she also enjoys writing thriller and romance. Her passion for reading, which led to her love of writing, began in elementary school with the Scholastic Book program. Her parents, who are life-long avid readers, have been a huge influence on her reading. Therefore anything and everything Angie could get her hands on she read.

Angie has been an early childhood educator since 1986 and hold a B.S. in Child Development. Her love for literacy has continued throughout her career, not only for herself, but also with the children she has cared for and taught. What Angie is most passionate about is helping others discover the excitement that reading brings. Her greatest desire in writing is to create and bring joy and entertainment to everyone she touches.

Currently, if Angie isn't reading at least three books at a time or working on a rough draft for her next book, she can be found outdoors gardening, woodworking, or relaxing by her pond. She shares that she's a Capricorn, tried and true, drinks way too much tea, and that her "to be read" pile of books can spike at any time.

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